
We’re in this together

By David Lynes, Managing Director

It’s been 7 weeks now since one of our last “normal” days at Unique IQ.

We didn’t know what was going to happen at the time, but whilst we exhibited at a very quiet South West Care Show on 12th March, a meeting of the COBRA emergency committee was taking place, and shortly after, life as we know it utterly changed.

Since that time, we’ve seen our customers pull off something amazing. Home carers are working ceaselessly to care for the most vulnerable in society, under extremely challenging conditions. While cleaning staff continue with the dangerous task of sanitising essential buildings to help prevent the spread of the virus. It has been humbling to be able to support them – answering support calls, training emergency staff and developing new features where they are needed.

We’ve also marvelled at how people have come together to support each other during this time of unprecedented crisis.

From initiatives such as the ‘Message of Thanks’ platform, which has already gathered hundreds of thank you notes to the carers, nurses, social workers and care managers throughout the UK who are keeping our loved ones safe, to fundraising activities such as the Care Workers Emergency Fund, which is providing assistance to care workers having to self-isolate.

Our friends at EveryLIFE technologies have worked against the clock to develop a free app and web portal which tracks COVID-19 symptoms and PPE supplies – called C19 CONTROL. And we’ve added several new free features to our own care management software, which are helping to protect both staff and the people they care for.

We’ve also supported the Bring Joy Foundation – an initiative from Home Instead Senior Care to support socially isolated seniors with activities to help keep them mentally busy and active. And like the rest of the country, we’ve been turning out on Thursday evenings to #clapforourcarers.

We are all in this together. As the coronavirus crisis continues, we will continue to play our part in supporting both the care and cleaning sectors to carry out their vital work. Let us know how we can help.