
Award Winning Home Care Software

IQ:caremanager is our next-generation care software that brings together all of the features you need to digitise care management. From rostering to care planning, eMAR to accident forms, staff management to payroll, it has everything you would want from its technology, leaving you free to focus on the most important thing - care

Scheduling & Rostering Technology

One System, One login

With IQ:caremanager you get all of your business tools in one box. Access all areas of the system via a standard web browser. Whether that’s at your desk, in a client’s home or on the go. IQ:caremanager includes all of our trusted care planning, care delivery, data monitoring and people management tools as well as our dedicated carer app.

Payroll & Invoicing

Track all worked hours and calculate payroll automatically

Track all worked and scheduled hours for your care support workers at a glance. Manage timesheets, calculate accurate payroll, ensure NLW compliance and process invoices quickly and efficiently. Our care planning software solution seamlessly integrates with third party systems such as Sage Payroll, Sage Accounts, Free Agent and QuickBooks.

HR & Recruitment

Open & interconnected

Our open API architecture means that data can flow to and from IQ:caremanager and other systems you might use instantly and reliably. In a nutshell, this means the system can flex and grow with you as the care sector digitally transforms.

Reporting & Data

A world of information at your fingertips

IQ:caremanager offers an array of tools to visualise and interrogate your data. Themed dashboards display the day-to-day statistics of your business increasing visibility of revenue and service delivery data – making you more efficient and better informed.

Digital Care Planning

A person centred approach to care

Optimise your roster using a 6 star ‘best match’ system to schedule ad-hoc or recurring visits, group activities and regular shift patterns. Quickly complete care plans and assessments with pre-populated information. Create and sign-off outcomes, MAR sheets and visit notes in a couple of clicks.

Real-time visit logging

Monitor care delivery in real-time

View visit logs as they happen, with a traffic light system to highlight exceptions based on your criteria. Receive instant alerts if a carer fails to clock in or out, arrives late or misses a medication. And message carers about shift or care plan changes, in bulk if needed.

Everything you need to know in minutes!

Request A Call Back

Do you have some questions you'd like to ask us before committing to a demo? Use the form below to request a call back from a member of our team! Be sure to let us know the best time and date to call you.

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Care services