Case Study

Croeso Care


  • Easy to use system
  • Streamline administration processes
  • Eliminate time spent clocking in/out

Following a long and difficult search for an effective call monitoring system, Croeso Care were relieved to find IQ:timecard user-friendly and easy to adopt, with a lot of human support.

The Challenge

Established in 2007, Croeso Care employs over 160 care assistants across three counties within south west Wales. The partnership has a combined experience of over 30 years within the care industry.

Following a successful invitation to provide care on behalf of Pembrokeshire County Council and Carmarthenshire County Council, Croeso Care began to research the market for an electronic call monitoring system that would suit their needs and meet the contract requirements of the Councils.

Emma Morris, Operations Manager of Croeso Care recalls, “As a company which finds change hard at the best of times, the directors of the company and myself started searching for a simple to use, yet effective call monitoring system.”

Across fifteen months, Croeso Care trialled two other companies before discovering Unique IQ. Although both systems were easy to use, staff members found it took significant time and effort to do anything on either platform; in a busy, active working environment this was causing more issues than solutions. Emma describes the initial doubt of changing to Unique IQ, “We were told about IQ:timecard and how brilliant the system was by another professional in Cardiff. After using the previous two companies – I was very sceptical about changing to a third, especially after all the upset our care assistants experienced.”

As part of our core values, we are committed to exceeding the expectations of clients and were more than happy to arrange for our Managing Director, David Lynes, to visit Croeso Care. Emma explains, “I was surprised at this as the other electronic call monitoring companies laughed at the idea of an actual person coming down to show us the system. David came to the office – explained about the systems and how they all work – yet he never pushed us into anything; it was our decision at the end of the day.”

The Implementation

Following the meeting with David, Croeso Care were impressed by both the system and our ‘human touch’, Emma describes “the relief we felt when we saw how easy the system was to use, it didn’t take long before our employees and clients were set up.”

Initially, Croeso Care were looking for a system that would allow its carers to clock in and clock out quickly. But thanks to IQ:timecard’s simple design and ease of use, Croeso Care soon found it could also use it for reporting purposes – easily generating employee wages and invoices for both private and council clients.

During set up it was discovered there was one type of report Croeso Care would require which was not currently available on IQ:timecard. After a telephone call with our Operations Director, Cheryl Guest, Emma explains how we found a quick solution, “after speaking with Cheryl and telling her what we wanted, she spoke with the development team and put together a report with exactly what we wanted within a month. The human support was a huge relief.”

The Results

Croeso Care have been with Unique IQ since 2015 and gives full praise to the system, stating, “we have had no issues at all with the system, it is user-friendly, and even the managers in their late 60s find it easy to use!”

In the last three years, Croeso Care have been using IQ:timecard, they have reported no issues with the system, and highly recommend our products.

“For people thinking about switching electronic call monitoring systems – I would say don’t hesitate with Unique IQ and their IQ:timecard system. I just wish we found them before all the hassle we had with other companies where you only speak to a robot on the phone.”

Emma Morris, Operations Manager at Croeso Care


  • 30 years’ experience
  • Council care provider for over 10 years